
#site_ Name # learned that according to foreign media reports, eBay has recently reached a cooperation with buyee, a cross-border purchasing service platform. Buyee will be able to transport products (some products in high demand on the platform) from eBay's US station to Asian customers, promoting the further development of CtoC (consumer individual to individual online trading) e-commerce market.buy IG fans cheap,50 ins followers

在这次合作中,Buyee的网站上将开设针对亚洲的 "eBay US "站点。网站上除了可以选择日语、英语、中文(繁体/简体)、泰语的显示语言外,还可以使用海外主流的支付宝、银联信用卡等支付方式;Buyee将代表亚洲客户在 "eBay US "上订购产品,对产品进行检验和包装,然后运往亚洲;Buyee还将管理物流运输过程,并支持客户用日语、英语、中文(繁体和简体)和泰语进行咨询。