
If you carefully observe the surrounding trade relations, including the business of small shops on the street, you will find that those who buy more are basically acquaintances, and the more they buy, the more familiar they buy, the more they buy, like a good virtuous circle, but those strangers are basically straight faced, just buy two things they need, and there is no next time, Why is there such a big difference?daily Instagram likes,add instagram likes free

每个 每个地区都有自己的特殊节日,我们需要了解客户的习俗,方便我们给他祝福,尤其是当他加班不能快乐的节日,突然收到一个陌生的祝福,这次他的心一定很温暖,觉得你很人性化,你打开增进感情,慢慢增加与他的沟通。