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作为一名外贸公司工作员,应掌握一点解决顾客投诉方法,有一部分管理人员在相关内容学习培训时关心到了 的一些实例教程,事实上那样的实例教程学习培训所具备的协助相对性较小, 用户投诉体制和海外用户投诉具备着本质上的不一样,尤其在对外经济往来当中更是如此。

用户在投诉时通常是根据当众投诉,电話投诉及其网页页面留言板留言投诉三种方式来进行,而相比于海外用户投诉通常是根据在网上信函沟通这类方法来进行的,并且海外用户的一些事故处理心态和 用户也拥有本质上的差别,因而在相对应方法学习过程中,要对于用户 、地区不一样,对于该地区用户的优点来进行学习培训。例如:

Manager Wang Dongliang

We have received your shipment of porcelains and found problems in the inspection process when we received the goods. We have purchased 150 pieces of blue and white porcelains, 200 pieces of porcelain vases, 260 imitation Ru kiln ceramics, and 150 pieces of blue and white porcelains with defects from your company have reached 11 pieces. There are 15 pieces of porcelains and our products. There are differences in the flowers on the vase surface of the products required for customization, which leads to great dissatisfaction of our sales manager. We hope your company will give us an explanation.




Leo John

We are deeply sorry about this incident. In view of the defective products of 150 blue and white porcelain pieces sent out, we have launched an investigation. During the investigation, we found that 150 blue and white porcelain products sent by us had been strictly inspected before shipment. No problems were found. The reason for the problems should be due to collision in the course of shipping. We have already made a survey for these products. The insurance company will be responsible for this batch of products after the purchase of freight insurance. After the investigation by the insurance company, we will put the relevant funds of these 15 products into your account. There are differences in the floral paintings on the surface of porcelain vases because there are two enterprises supplying the products separately in the production process. This point has been clearly stated in the product retrieval catalogue mailed to you. You can review the product retrieval catalogue again. The catalogue clearly indicates that there will be some differences in the appearance of this batch of products, and this is what we have in the contract. It has also been mentioned. I hope our cooperation will be more pleasant after that.



能够看见在这篇回函当中,该外贸公司对有关问题逐一开展了表明。针对欧美国家的产品市场销售一旦发生问题以后,要 時间解决困难,不必敷衍塞责,欧美 用户在碰到问题时喜爱直取问题根本原因,而且期待在 短期内内得到确立回答,而不是做官样文章,因而在处理这一种类问题时,应当进入具体,切勿拖时间太长。这也是对于欧美 用户解决顾客投诉方法的根本所在。 许多公司只关心到解决困难,而在解决问题時间这方面的心态很比较宽松,可是欧美 用户并不是如此,无论是在日常选购小物件产品,或是在商来往中的巨额订单解决时,欧美 用户针对解决困难時间全是十分脆弱的,因而在处理出口外贸用户公司问题时,在時间层面不可发生误差,不然极易造成买卖损伤,乃至会是因为这类缘故而丢弃预产期顾客。