在 贸易中有很多利润可观的大单子,但是一般情况下这种大单子涉及的金额比较多,同时客户对产品的订货量以及产品质量也具有很多的要求,所以这种类型的单子一般往往要经历一定的商业洽谈之后我们才能拿下来。即使我们拿下了这单生意,但是后续事情依然没有完,客户远在天边,往来不便,所以为了考察制定合作企业的产品的质量标准情况,他们往往会提出所要样品的要求,这也是我们在 贸易中经常会遇到的一件事情。对于客户所要样品的要求,我们到底寄送呢还是不寄送呢?其实这个要根据实际情况来做出选择,因为有些所要样品的客户可能并不是抱着与我们合作的态度来的,他们也可能只是纯粹为了骗取我们的产品技术而来,对于后者我们一定要做好一定的防范要求。那么,既然客户提出了这个索要样品的需求,我们应该怎么应对呢?下面我来给大家分享一些应对策略吧。
在实际贸易实务处理实践中,我们每天接待的外贸客户很多,但是这些客户大部分都是通过电话或者电子邮件的形式来进行沟通的,所以这种沟通形式在很大程度上也难以让我们更好的把握住客户的动机。即使是所要样品的客户也是要具体情况具体分析呢,要根据客户类型有针对性的采取 合理的应对策略。通常情况下我们会把所要样品的客户分为主动联系我方型和我方主动联系型。两种不同客户因为这个主动权的不同,所以当他们同时提出所要样品的需求时,我们也要根据实际情况来进行,切忌笼统的处理方式。
对于主动联系我方型的客户,因为主动权在我们这边,所以当这类客户提出索要样品的需求时,我们在应对起来就要酌情处理了。因为是对方主动找上我们的,所以这也就意味着对方在之前或多或少地做了了解我们公司或者产品信息的相关工作。这种客户可能是竞争对手窃取商业信息,也有可能是真心实意想与我们进行合作的客户。其实,对于那种骗样品的竞争对手,我们完全可以试探出来,因为这类客户一般上来聊天时就有些心不在焉,然后还没有聊多长时间呢就直接提出了所要样品的要求,一旦我们要求对方支付全额 邮费的时候,他们立马就选择沉默了。而抱有很大合作的诚意的客户,他们在开始的更多的是对产品信息进行较为深入而详细的询问,为了尽可能充分了解商品进而会提出所要样品的需求,对于这类客户,我们可以在邮费放宽限制,试探提出双方均摊邮费的提议,看看对方是否接受,当然,如果我们确定对方合作诚意满满,也可以在邮费上做出一定的让步,把眼光放得长远一些,从而促成更大单生意的达成。
For customers who actively contact us, because the initiative is on our side, when such customers ask for samples, we have to deal with it as appropriate. Because the other party took the initiative to find us, this means that the other party has done more or less relevant work to understand our company or product information before. Such customers may be competitors stealing business information, or they may be customers who sincerely want to cooperate with us. In fact, we can test out the competitors who cheat samples, because such customers are generally absent-minded when they come up to chat, and then they directly put forward the requirements for samples before they have talked for a long time. Once we ask the other party to pay the full postage, they immediately choose to be silent. For customers who have great sincerity in cooperation, they start with more in-depth and detailed inquiries about product information. In order to fully understand the goods as much as possible and then put forward the demand for the required samples, for such customers, we can relax the restrictions on the postage and try to put forward the proposal of sharing the postage between the two sides to see whether the other party accepts it. Of course, If we are sure that the other party is sincere in cooperation, we can also make some concessions on the postage and take a long-term view, so as to facilitate the conclusion of a larger order business.IG subscribers buy cheap,IG likes cheap
对于我方主动联系型的客户,因为我们处于一种被动地位,所以当这类客户提出所要样品的需求时,我们也不能被喜悦冲昏了头脑,因为这类客户即使所要样品也未必有诚意合作。因为这类客户是我们通过各种渠道拓展来的,他们本身就有着一定的优越感,有时候可能被我们纠缠得不耐烦了,顺口提出了索要样品的要求,这时候即使我们寄送了样品,也是石沉大海的,基本上就没后戏了。所以,对于这类客户提出的索要样品的需求,我们 好采取一种折中的方法来处理。我们可以拍摄一些产品实物彩图,然后以电子邮件或者传真的方式发送客户,先让客户看看大致是否满意,是否真有订购的欲望,如果客户给出了肯定的回复,这时候我们再把样品适时机的寄送出去,从而大大推动成单率的提升。
当前,在实际贸易实践中,有些样品由于体积、重量等因素的影响,在寄送上十分不方便,且需要收取高昂的 邮递费用,这时候对于客户提出的索要样品的需求,我们一定要慎重考虑了, 好提出这部分邮费由客户全额承担或者双方均摊的要求。如果是老顾客订购新产品而索要样品,为了表达我们合作诚意,我们可以在 邮费上双方均摊,但是如果是新客户的话,毕竟合作前景还不太明显,所以我们 好让客户在承担这部分邮费比较好。
At present, in the actual trade practice, some samples are very inconvenient to send due to the influence of volume, weight and other factors, and need to charge high mailing fees. At this time, we must carefully consider the customer's demand for samples, so as to put forward the requirement that the postage should be borne by the customer in full or shared by both parties. If an old customer orders new products and asks for samples, in order to express our sincerity of cooperation, we can share the postage equally between the two sides. However, if it is a new customer, after all, the prospect of cooperation is not obvious, so it is better for us to let the customer bear this part of the postage.IG subscribers buy cheap,IG likes cheap